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Even more information on the village of Salzburg

From then until now
The area "Forest of Gosauch" originally belonged to the church of Salzburg. The settlement of the alpine valleys began around 1200 and was fully operational 100 years later. In the following centuries people lived mainly from cattle breeding, the salt trade, the charcoal trade and the timber industry.
The first recorded date is 1194. That year A.K. gave the monastery of St. Peter the left bank of the river Lammer, whilst he kept the right bank for himself.
In 1535 boundaries were drawn between Gosau and Russbach. This was an attempt to stop the spread of Protestantism with was becoming very popular. After the banishment of Protestants during the 18th century Russbach was given its own church.
The first documented settlement record of Russbach dates back to 1631. At that time Russbach had 404 inhabitants. In 1903 it became an independent borough with its own parish church. A new school was built in 1914. Today, this is the Town Hall.
In addition, a new branch of the economy developed - tourism.
In 1956 a so-called "Verkehrsverein" was established, followed by the construction of a swimming pool and the construction of lifts.
The legend says that poachers used to disguise themselves with soot to do their poaching. After the deed was done they would wash themselves in the river. Through the staining of the water by the soot the village became known as Russbach.
© Virtuelles Dorfmuseum Russbach

Until the 6th of January, the "Three Magi" are moving through the country. In this old Austrian custom, boys and girls go from house to house as star singers, bringing people the Christmas message of the birth of Jesus and peace and blessings for the New Year. At the same time collect the star singers for people in the "third world".
Rising the maypole
As in many places, a maypole will be set up in Russbach on 1 May. In Russbach, the volunteer fire department sets up the maypole. He is a symbol of fertility and zest for life. This day is celebrated with a holy mass and a brunch of the traditional music band.
June 21st is the longest day of the year. Already in pre-Christian times, the solstice fires were lit at dusk to keep out the storm and to give hope and meadows growth and fertility. It creates a very special, mystical mood when the traditional solstice fires in the Salzburger Land are gradually ignited.
Harvest festival
At harvest time at the end of September we thank for the rich harvest in summer as part of a solemn Mass. An artistically designed harvest crown is displayed by Russbach during the procession, carried to church and blessed. The procession will be accompanied by the brass band and the local clubs. Afterwards there will be a morning pint.
In the Salzburger Land around the Christmas time in the „Raunächten“ traditionally beautiful and ugly Perchten are on the way. Here you will find countless amazing creatures like „Habergeiß“, „Bärentreiber“, witch and devil and much more. Even if the winter has only recently arrived at our place. In the Perchten runs symbolically winter is expelled and the visitors are greeted with joy and blessing for the New Year.